Sink Your Doubt

Sink Your Doubt

Matthew 21:21,22.

Doubt is a natural negative human reaction to the certainty of the miraculous. Faith is the infusion of divine realities into our mind to align it with the possibilities of God.

The text above is drawn from a conversation between Christ and His disciples regarding a certain fig tree. After being disappointed about the tree’s inability to yield the needed fruits, He had cursed it “Let no fruit grow on you ever again” and immediately, there was an accomplishment of that decree to the amazement of Christ’s followers present. They wondered at this miracle but Christ began teaching them about faith in God and the doubt in their mind. He seemed to tell them here that it was their responsibility to stir up faith in their heart for the receipt of any miracle and to fish out and quash every uprising of doubt.

As shown in several scriptures, faith is the basis of receiving anything from God- John 14:12-14, Matthew 17:20; James 1:6,7. Doubts creep in when we begin to consider the end or fulfilment of any of God’s promises on the basis of human reasoning and the limitation of our mind. This create a staggering obstacle that renders faith deficient and ineffective despite so much prayer and profession of God’s promises. To sink our doubts, we must make a deliberate effort to always withstand the whisperings of our human mind and the devil, we must allow the word of faith to permeate our mind, thus transforming it and bringing it into proper alignment with God’s promise.

However, our prayers and requests must conform to the order of God- James 4:3. God is not inclined to answer a request in non-conformity to His word and will. We must also understand divine timing. The case in our text received an immediate answer, but a similar situation in Mark 11:12-14, 20-24 had a “delayed” manifestation till the next day. A miracle delayed is not a miracle denied.

Meditation: But he must ask [for wisdom] in faith, without doubting [God’s willingness to help], for the one who doubts is like a billowing surge of the sea that is blown about and tossed by the wind. James 1:6

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