Water of Life

Water of Life

Water of Life John 4:10,13,14. Can you think of the various things in life that could satisfy the souls of men? The human race has invented various elements for engagement and entertainment to soothe the curiosity of men. Numerous master classes give up-to-date information about how to be accomplished in all various aspects of life….

The Requirement Of Steadfast Abiding For Continued Divine Approval.

The Requirement Of Steadfast Abiding For Continued Divine Approval.

The Requirement Of Steadfast Abiding For Continued Divine Approval. 2 Chro 7:17-20. Steadfast abiding refers to a firm, fixed, and unbroken relationship with the Lord majorly in 3 areas: prayers, word study, and Kingdom service. There’s no other massive way to know God or have a relationship with God outside of this triad. Even though…

Gaining Winning Strides Through Supernatural Strength

Gaining Winning Strides Through Supernatural Strength

Gaining Winning Strides Through Supernatural Strength Jeremiah 12:5; 1 Kings 18:46. The first text poses a critical question for our consideration: “If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses”? Footmen and horses here represent the different levels of races. While the former…