Amid A Crowd Of Paltry Things

Amid A Crowd Of Paltry Things

“. . . in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses.” 2 Corinthians 6:4

It takes Almighty grace to take the next step when there is no vision and no spectator – the next step in devotion, the next step in your study, in your reading, in your kitchen; the next step in your duty, when there is no vision from God, no enthusiasm and no spectator. It takes far more of the grace of God, far more conscious drawing upon God to take that step, than it does to preach the Gospel.

Every Christian has to partake of what was the essence of the Incarnation, he must bring the thing down into flesh and blood actualities and work it out through the finger tips. We flag when there is no vision, no uplift, but just the common round, the trivial task. The thing that tells in the long run for God and for men is the steady persevering work in the unseen, and the only way to keep the life uncrushed is to live looking to God. Ask God to keep the eyes of your spirit open to the Risen Christ, and it will be impossible for drudgery to damp you. Continually get away from pettiness and paltriness of mind and thought out into the thirteenth chapter of St. John’s Gospel.

Culled from Oswald Chambers; My Utmost for His greatest

1 Master, speak! thy servant heareth,
waiting for thy gracious word,
longing for thy voice that cheereth,
Master, let it now be heard.
I am list’ning, Lord, for thee;
what hast thou to say to me?

2 Speak to me by name, O Master,
let me know it is to me;
speak, that I may follow faster,
with a step more firm and free,
where the Shepherd leads the flock,
in the shadow of the Rock!

3 Master, speak! tho’ least and lowest,
let me not unheard depart;
Master, speak! for oh, thou knowest
all the yearning of my heart,
knowest all its truest need;
speak! and make me blest indeed.

4 Master, speak! and make me ready,
when thy voice is truly heard,
with obedience glad and steady,
still to follow ev’ry word.
I am listening, Lord, for thee:
Master, speak, oh speak to me!

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