You Uncovered Spot (“Goliath Christian)

You Uncovered Spot (“Goliath Christian)
Ephesians 6:10-11 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole Armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
“Blind spots” are dangerous allowances in the life of any Christian. They make us susceptible to the attacks of the enemies. This is why the Bible vehemently warns against allowing for any avenue for the flesh where the enemy can thrive or build on to deceive, distract, and eventually derail a budding Christian life. Give no room for the devil- Ephesians 4.27. The enemy of our soul does not need much room but just a loophole in our lives to strike.
“Put on the whole armor of God” is both a command and a warning to every Christian. The story of David and Goliath is a well-known story. The scripture described how Goliath was heavily armored. However, it was the only spot uncovered that David threw his sling. You’re to put on the Whole armor fully and not partially.
Beloved what are there uncovered spots in your life? For Moses, Aaron showed him up through this question- Why are you mad at me? Exodus 32:22. That’s anger. This was enough to deny him the promised land despite God’s ascertaining him to be the meekest man on Earth. Prophet Isaiah’s tongue was his Achilles’ heel- Isaiah 6:1-4 A man of unclean lips who dwells among unclean people. For John the Baptist who baptized Jesus, it was doubt as he asked when in prison if Christ was the messiah or if they should expect another one. He was doubtful if Christ was the messiah just as his father Zechariah doubted the angel of the Lord and became dumb.
Have you identified the Uncovered spot or peradventure your weakness? Do not justify or glory in it rather bring it to Jesus so that you won’t become a feast to the enemy.


Verse 1
There is sin in the camp, treason today,
Is it in me, O Lord. Is it in me?
There is cause in our ranks, for defeat and delay.
Is it in me, O Lord, is it in me?
Verse 2
Something of selfishness, garment of pride,
Something of prayerlessness, a haughty heart;
Something why God doth His blessing keep withholding,
It is in me, O Lord, it is in me.
Verse 3
Oh take this heart of mine, deal with all sin:
Pride and the rein of self, you Lord replace;
Help me to bend the knee until revival comes.
And take Sin off our camp, do this today.

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