It’s All About Jesus

It’s All About Jesus

Acts 2:22-24, 32.

From the above text, Apostle Peter gave a summary of the earthly life and ministry of the Lord Jesus, and further outline His present ongoing ministry (in the person of the Holy Spirit) after ascending to heaven to sit on the right side (hand) of the Father.

The people of Israel had gathered with the Apostles to get an explanation regarding the amazing wonder of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. Peter responded by giving an elaborate sermon about the reason and source of what they inquired about as the resultant effect of the work of God manifested through Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the central theme of the Christian life, He is the life and reason around which it all revolve. We cannot please God nor receive anything from Him without acknowledging the finished work of grace through Jesus. And for us to fulfill our God-given purpose, we must deliberately put Christ at the foremost and central position of our lives and ministry.

The Apostles never abrogated any of the performances of miracles and wonders to their ability, but always deferred the glory to God and the manifestation of the life of His Son through them. Acts 3:12 And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk? Paul and Apollos also restrained the people of Lystra in Acts 14:15 from crowning and worshipping them as gods.

We must never allow ourselves to become trapped in the error of being glorified as great men and thereby touching/sharing the glory that belongs to God. We must never be carried away by the praise/hailing of men as a result of a work that the grace of God accomplished in our lives or through us- John 2:23-25. But we remain humble and give all the accolades to the One deserving of it. 1 Corinthians 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

Meditation: Is Christ revealed through all that you do? Or is it all about your being smart? In all that you do, Let Jesus ALONE BE SEEN

1 While passing through this world of sin,
And others your life shall view,
Be clean and pure without, within,
Let others see Jesus in you.
Let others see Jesus in you,
Let others see Jesus in you;
Keep telling the story, be faithful and true,
Let others see Jesus in you.
2 Your life’s a book before their eyes,
They’re reading it through and through;
Say, does it point them to the skies,
Do others see Jesus in you?
3 What joy ’twill be at set of sun,
In mansions beyond the blue,
To find some souls that you have won;
Let others see Jesus in you.
4 Then live for Christ both day and night,
Be faithful, be brave, and true,
And lead the lost to life and light;
Let others see Jesus in you.

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