Hunger and Thirst For Divine Enduement

Hunger And Thirst For Divine Enduement

Matthew 5:6.

We need divine enduement to fulfill our God-given task and purpose on earth. The enduement of various graces and Christian virtues enables us to carry out God’s expectations while in the world seamlessly. “His yoke(expectation) is easy and His burden(desire) is light” (Matthew 11:30) because He has provided for us “all that pertain unto (our) lives and (our) godliness” (2 Peter 1:3).

Our role is to appropriate into our lives all that Christ has provided for us through consistent hunger and thirst after Him and the graces He provides. Our hunger and thirst culminate in the desire for the endowment of the Holy Spirit and His gifts- John 7:37-39; Isaiah 44:3. This hunger and thirst is made evident as we tarry in the place of prayer consistently, continuously, and untiringly- Luke 18:1.

There is no other place where the entirety of God is made manifest than the place of true prayer fellowship. Therefore, we must keep our times of fellowship with God despite any busyness or distractions of the world.

God has promised in His words to pour His Spirit out in boundless measures for as many that are desirous and persistent. We must hold on to these promises and tarry until there is an ultimate fulfillment in our lives and by extension, among our brethren. Luke 24:49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

1 When the pow’r of God descended
On the day of Pentecost
All the days of waiting ended
They received the Holy Ghost.

O Lord, send the pow’r just now;
O Lord, send the pow’r just now,
O Lord, send the pow’r just now,
And baptize ev’ry one.

2 Tongues of flame came down upon them,
And they preach’d the world in pow’r,
List’ning multitudes awakened
Turn’d to God that very hour. [Refrain]

3 We are waiting, Holy Spirit
We are all of one accord
Lord fulfill just now the promise
That is given in thy word. [Refrain]

4 Fill and thrill us with thy presence,
Grant the blessing that we need
Flood our souls with wondrous glory,
While the pray’r of faith we plead. [Refrain]

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