Hearing From God

Hearing From God

I Samuel 23:5,10-12.

Our journey through this earth is filled with many choices and uncertainties. There are so many shades of circumstances that we go through from time to time. The only sure way to navigate seamlessly and victoriously is by aligning with God’s will. One of the ways of attaining this alignment is through our consistent hearing from God for instruction, correction, direction, and, assurance. The Lord is always speaking and it takes a diligent consecration to continuously tune into His frequency to hear His voice. We must ensure we remain sensitive to His Spirit and also be willing to obey Him at all times. The place of prayer and devotion remains the prime place of consecrating ourselves to Him and aligning with His ways.

Why do we need to hear from God? There are many promulgations on the need to hear from God but the summary of them is this: you can never correctly predict the endpoint of any circumstance nor the reaction of any man through earthly wisdom. Therefore, we need to secure our communication channel and always be apt to hear the Spirit speak to us every day. Look at the example from our text: David arrived at a city called Keilah by the instruction of God. The latter part of verse 5 said: “David saved the people of Keilah” from their enemy. Yet if he had not enquired from God and quickly left the place, they would have given Him up to his enemy, Saul. What a revelation! The very people he stuck out his neck for will only repay him by surrendering his to die- Jeremiah 17:5 Thus says the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from the LORD.

The foremost avenue to hear from God is through His word. Every other avenue of hearing must pass the “word test”. Anything in non-conformity to God’s word must be rejected and discarded- 2 Peter 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; unto which all of you do well that all of you take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.

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