Gaining capacity for overthrow

Gaining capacity for overthrow

Josh 14:10-12.

A lot is going on in our society today, a lot of ungodly practices, unwholesome disobedience, and willful descent into perversion. We must understand that there’s a power behind all these. A power that is in constant opposition to the gospel light and works to keep men in their wretched state. This is the power of Satan and sin. Eph 2:2,3. For this reason, the chosen people of God must rise against this enthrall of the enemy and deliver the souls of men.

Our foremost strategy to achieve victory in this warfare is to develop our spiritual life to the needed capacity and capability.

You will only be an onlooker and may be an eventual casualty if you don’t have an inbuilt capacity to fight- 1 Timothy 6:12 (Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, unto which you are also called, and have professed a good profession before many witnesses); Luke 14:31. We cannot sit idle and unconcerned in the battle neither can we launch into it unprepared and unarmed.

How to gain capacity:

1. You must be born again Acts 5:36,37; 1 John 3:8-10. It would be a colossal loss if any man dared fight sin and satan when his own life has even a speck of sinfulness

2. You must have a prayer altar: Luke 2:25-27, 36,37. Your life must be characterized by a life of prayer which is full of consistency, tenacity, inspiration, and power.

3. You must be grounded on the word of faith Acts 18:24,25; Joshua 1:8

4. You must be a courageous witness Joshua 1:4.

In addition, the battle against the established falsehood of the gospel is another top priority for the believer. Tit 1:10,11. We must actively engage and seek to depopulate camps of false doctrines and teachings through non-judgemental and love-filled exhortation and prayer to those who are held in such thickets.

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