Contentment In All Conditions

Contentment In All Conditions

But godliness with contentment, is great gain.” (I Tim 6:6)

In Paul’s epistle to the Philippi Church, he explained to the saints how much of contentment he has learnt, while admonishing them to also learn from him. He explained he has mastered how to live a lowly life by being abased by circumstances, and he is fine even in times when he doesn’t get enough to eat, as much as he thank God when enough food is on his table, those challenging times don’t dictate the state of how high or low his spirit-man will be. In the highs of life, and lows of life, he has mastered the art of contentment, and it was in this godly principle he wrote to the brethren in Rome, assuring them that, “…ALL things work together for good for them that love God…” Romans 8:28.

This godly principle this ancient patriarch adhered to, is no doubt a major contributor to his spiritual exploits, we saw the height of it when he was locked in the cell with Silas, unlike an average man’s attitude, who has been denied his freedom unjustly, he didn’t stay sad, rather, he, with Silas, was in such an awe-striking praise that heaven was compelled to attend the ceremony in prison. The result? All their chains were loosed and the prison bar shattered on the arrival of the heavenly host! What great privilege often we forfeit.

An Unknown writer once made this cry, “Give me contentment in all conditions, be it even humbler than his lowly birth…”. If anyone has ever walked with the Lord triumphantly, it is because he was armed with the discipline of contentment in all conditions. The absence of contentment makes us grouse at the slightest of discomfort, unbeknownst to many that regardless of how favoured of the Lord we are, there will be times when our contentment will be called to work.

The three Hebrew children with Daniel mirrored contentment in the King’s palace in the face of seducing delicacies, Abraham showed this by living in tent despite his wealth, he once exclaimed God being his everlasting portion, and not his affluence, Joseph mirrored it in a strange land, Paul mirrored contentment in all conditions, Jesus gave us the perfect example by living this virtue in absolute, no one will follow Jesus without first learning contentment in all conditions!

Grant us dear Blessed Saviour, contentment in ALL conditions.

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