The making of a champion

The making of a champion

Jeremiah 51:20 Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms.

Every believer has an inherent potential to be a champion in Christ. However, only a few measure up to the required qualities and demonstrate the determination to go through God’s process for making His vessels. There’s no denying the power of God in ancient and contemporary times, but it is evident that men are more poised for quick superficial graduation from the apprenticeship of the Spirit, hence, they flatten out after a few accomplishments and ebb like a dying coal of fire.

We need to make a concerted and intentional effort to stay in devotion to Him until we are wholly engulfed and consumed by His Spirit to enforce His divine plan on the earth- Hebrews 4:9-11 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. There are great biblical examples to learn and emulate. Eminently, our supreme example is the person of Christ, who demonstrated an absolute commitment to the place of devotion and operated solely from the premise of God’s purpose and fulfillment. We see other examples such as David who obtained his training in the field while shepherding, Moses stayed for 40 years keeping Jethro’s flock until he saw the burning bush, and Paul was isolated in the deserts. They waited until they were launched into the fullness of God’s stature for their life’s journey. They also continued in the light of the revelation received and maintained their posture in the place of fellowship with God despite the successes and victories they encountered.

To drive home the point, let us take a closer look at David’s process to greatness. Many milestones in his life signified the dealings of God with him. Many may think of the fight with Goliath as a contest between David as an insignificant man and Goliath as an accomplished warrior. That’s just shallow thinking and unscriptural. David was already a skilled man who understood that the true arsenals of warfare are found in God- 1 Samuel 17:34-37. He had contended against beasts while in the field keeping his father’s flocks and had garnered enough spiritual capacity to withstand the wile of a national foe. Some other striking virtues that made this man a champion for God are:

He was lowly and obedient to God and constituted authorities.

His heart was pure and pliable by God’s Spirit.

He had genuine concern and love for the people in his custody

He was courageous and bold

He knew God’s power and deliverance

He attributed all the glory to God

I will stay by Dunsin Oyekan

Wait on the Lord, wait, wait

Stay with the Lord, stay, stay

Build up your Strength

For the days ahead

Build up your Strength

No need to rush


I will stay on the altar

To drink of the living water

Till I overflow, I will be satisfied

For this is what the nation needs

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