Keeping the Faith
Keeping the Faith
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – II Tim 4:7
There are many things that discipline, carefulness and those great virtues can procure, but when it comes to keeping the faith, what it takes is a good fight of faith. The true faith bequeathed through the redemptive work of Calvary has overtime been made to fade away and replaced so soon by men’s doctrine. The perfect work of cavalry has been replaced with easy believism and the Lord’s requirement of holiness has been awashed by the teaching of grace.
Jude foresaw this anti-Christic tide when, in his epistle, he was impelled to urgently adjure brethren to contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints. Keeping the faith unblemished is the responsibility of every believer; our greatest treasure is our common faith, but the world, sin and the Devil against our match oppose. The faith in some denominations today allows for polygamy, in some it encourages fornication, in another, holiness is a matter of choice and in some, Jesus is not the Son of God, the popular faith today is the same sex marriage and that a ‘priest’ should give their ‘blessings’.
Let the world be liars, God will be true, the word He has spoken shall surely prevail, Jesus once asked, when He returns, shall he find faith on earth? In today’s godless world, more than ever before, believers must learn to be ready to keep the faith with the last ounce of blood and tears. The Apostles fought and kept it with their sweat and blood, our fathers kept it and passed it on to us, in our contemporary days, the faith delivered is getting so scarce even among believers, today, holiness is old-fashioned in the church, purity has lost its use and the rapture of the saints is an old teaching.
Today, God seeks young men and women willing to keep the faith as a rugged soldier of the cross would, and while their time on earth shall end, may humbly face the Lord and say, I finished my course and kept the faith!
Author: Bro Ahmed Segun.