“Go To The Ant”- Antidotes For Spiritual Laziness

“Go To The Ant”- Antidotes For Spiritual Laziness

PROVERBS 6:6-11.

Indiscipline and spiritual laziness account for the vast impoverishment being experienced by many Christians today. It makes our service an unsavory sacrifice before God. No matter how expensive a broken cistern cost, it can never fetch or hold water. So is a lazy Christian, no matter how much resources are available for his liberation and spiritual progress, he remains destitute and lacking in true spiritual depth and revelation.

We need to learn discipline and consistency to become true soldiers of the cross. Our allegiance becomes questionable and unfruitful when we are inconsistent in the place of our primary duty- Mark 3:14. To become great for God, we must completely overcome the barriers of laziness and indiscipline, we must keep new habits of daily and robust fellowship with God. The outworking of our spiritual and physical lives will show forth the evidence of our consistency with Him- Acts 4:13. AFFIRMATION: I have gone to the ants, and I have learned from them, and I am now wise. I cease to be lazy and someone being chased for my responsibilities. I will steadfastly pray when in great need, and even when all my needs are provided for, I will still pray.I cease from long unnecessary sleep. A little prayer, Bible study, and meditation on God’s word daily is how I live now. Therefore, my spirit man comes into great spiritual fruitfulness and I am blessed.

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