Is Our Generation Not Replacing Prayer With Noise?

Is Our Generation Not Replacing Prayer With Noise?

“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us” – 1 John 5:14

This generation has initiated more prayer meetings than any previous generation. We have the technology and can summon millions to prayers at the same time, yet the World is not afraid of the Church nor is the Church making a difference beyond her prayer meetings. Today we have prayed for the enemy to die, yet their numbers are on the increase going by their activities.

The pop Church has moved from mandating speaking in tongues to teaching people how to speak in tongues and then self-certify themselves that they are worthy of God even if they dressed like Jezebel and live ungodly lives- “just kabash for some hours and they are fine”. We have manufactured 100 benefits of praying in the Spirit without Biblical evidence!
We are making millions on social media and controlling a great followership yet, it took only 250 disciples to turn the World upside down. We have the Bible (complete) and those who had to wait on available letters from the Apostles could change governments by their prayers (Acts 12:5-12)

The early Church did not need “prayer books”, all they had was the Old Testament and the letters of the Apostles. Tongue was “such” an issue in the history of the early Church that if they had 3 hours of tongues alone, somebody would have recorded it but all they used in prayers was the scriptures- Acts 4:25. Our generation does not repeat the style of prayers of the early Church, we have manufactured our own.


Strange prayer contains words, may cause sweat and shouting may be included, may take considerable time and may be acceptable to many people but it is strange because it is prayed in a strange language. 1 John 5:14 says the only language Jesus Christ guarantees that prayers will be heard, that is the language of HIS WILL. The Word of God is God’s will.
Remember, He’s only committed to answer prayers that are prayed according to His Will!


Verse 1
The soul that would live close to Jesus,
Is He who spends much time in prayer.
Although it may not always please us,
‘Tis that which relieves us from care.

Would God that more people would pray,
For ’tis prayer that moves mountain away;
Those mountains of doubt are sure to move out,
If unceasingly, brother, you pray.

Verse 2
‘Twas Elijah that prayed on Mount Carmel,
And the heavens gave ear to his cry;
And I’m sure it was not very formal,
For fire came down from the sky.

Would God that more people would pray,
For ’tis prayer that moves mountain away;
Those mountains of doubt are sure to move out,
If unceasingly, brother, you pray.

Verse 3
We read that a prophet for praying
Was cast to the lions to eat;
But an angel prevented the slaying,
And delivered old Daniel complete.

Would God that more people would pray,
For ’tis prayer that moves mountain away;
Those mountains of doubt are sure to move out,
If unceasingly, brother, you pray.

Verse 4
The Saviour now looks for prevailers,
Who will pray with a confidence bold,
Will you join this band of availers
And pray till the heavens unfold?

Would God that more people would pray,
For ’tis prayer that moves mountain away;
Those mountains of doubt are sure to move out,
If unceasingly, brother, you pray.

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