What Doth The Lord Require Of Thee

What Doth The Lord Require Of Thee

Micah 6:6-8; Deuteronomy 10:12-16, 20

The Lord Almighty can do all things and more better, do all things through us. But He is no respecter of anyone- Acts 10:34; so, He will never condescend to our fallen nature. Rather, He sets precepts and principles for us to measure up to his standards. His requirements are not grievous- 1 John 5:3 but are for our benefit and He remains the same- Malachi 3:6, therefore, His demands from man have never changed despite age, history, generations, colors, civilizations, or dispensations.

Fulfilling His requirements grants unhindered access to His proposed and promised work in our lives, family, and generations. It makes us a partaker of His plan and purpose in our world.

His requirements are:

Salvation: 1 Timothy 2:3, 4. The basic requirement that gives the privilege of being a partaker of God’s plan is salvation.

Righteous living: Hebrew 11:5. A current and continuous life of righteousness is what pleases God.

Consecration: Romans 12:1, 2. An intentional, full, and proper dedication of all our being and everyday life to God opens the gateway into His presence and investiture of His power. We became non-conforming to the world because we do not live by its rules but we live unto God’s- Romans 6:10-13.

Prayer: Matthew 7:7. Prayer is a form of consecration and submission. We bring all our desires, challenges, expectations, and requests to God who can do all things. Some prayers also require that fasting be added- Mark 9:28, 29.

Faithfulness: John 8:31. The Christian race is a marathon and not a sprint. God doesn’t delight in those who only come into the kingdom to seek quick answers to their needs and then return to their old lifestyle. Rather, He wants those who continue steadfastly and faithfully in the kingdom.

Virtuous living; the virtues of humility, giving, love, justice, etc are important additions that endear us to the heart of God- 2 Peter 1:5-8

Hope of heaven: 1 John 3:2, 3. The hope of eternity with God must be a prevailing purpose for our daily living. We live our lives in the light of eternity, avoiding anything that can dampen our chance of seeing God at the end of all things- Luke 21:36.

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