The Willingness Of God

The Willingness Of God

Matthew 8:1-3.

“I am willing to help you, as you want to be helped”- M. H commentary. This statement expatiates the response of Christ to this leprous man from the Bible text, and it is the focus of this piece. God’s readiness to perform and act on behalf of His children is far beyond our expectations. He can go to any length to give pleasure to those who are committed to Him and trust Him implicitly. The boundaries of God’s mercy and grace are determined by the status of our hearts and the willing obedience demonstrated in our outward disposition. Just a bit further in the text (verses 5-13), we see another example of a soldier who brought the case of his paralyzed servant to Christ. From his converse with the Lord, he demonstrated an uncommon faith in the authority of Christ compelling Him to only speak a word of authority rather than a physical presence and reception in his home. The response of Christ shows us the utmost importance of our willingness for God’s help. Christ said, “As you believed, so let it be done for you”. This soldier’s willingness to ask for help drove Him to seek the face of Christ with unshaken faith and trust in His power, and Christ in response answered Him according to his faith. God has not changed, if we can imbibe the same attitude in seeking God’s face, His wonders, and marvelous works will be done in our lives.

1. Hear the footsteps of Jesus,
He is now passing by,
Bearing balm for the wounded,
Healing all who apply;
As he spake to the suff’rer
Who lay at the pool,
He is saying this moment,
“Wilt thou be made whole?”

Wilt thou be made whole?
Wilt thou be made whole?
O come, weary suff’rer,
O come, sin-sick soul;
See, the life-stream is flowing,
See, the cleansing waves roll,
Step into the current, and thou shalt be whole.

2 ‘Tis the voice of that Saviour,
Whose merciful call
Freely offers salvation
To one and to all:
He is now beck’ning to him
Each sin-tainted soul,
And lovingly asking,
“Wilt thou be made whole?” [Refrain]

3 Are you halting and struggling,
O’erpowered by your sin,
While the waters are troubled
Can you not enter in?
Lo, the Saviour stands waiting
To strengthen your soul,
He is earnestly pleading,
“Wilt thou be made whole?” [Refrain]

4 Blessed Saviour, assist us
To rest on thy word;
Let the soul-healing power
On us now be out-poured:
Wash away ev’ry sin-spot,
Take perfect control,
Say to each trusting spirit,
“Thy faith makes thee whole.” [Refrain]

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