The Hand of the Lord (Part 1)

The Hand of the Lord (Part 1)

1 Kings 18:41-46.

Key verse: 1 Kings 18:46 And the hand of the LORD was on Elijah, and he girded up his loins and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.

In a world filled with all the inventions of men and a tremendous level of sophistication, it would be mere futility to try to compete with men or outrun the ongoing societal decadence occasioned by progressive civilization without divine involvement. Men are always seeking to outdo themselves in discovery and advancement. This is happening at a fast pace that it becomes difficult for bearers of truth and the gospel to catch up or outrun without an intensive desire for the empowerment of God. The selected portion of scripture brings an understanding of the need for divine enablement that far outclasses the intricate knowledge of men.

Ahab and his chariot signify a great deal of importance to two human inventions namely: the power of rulership and the element of civilization. Remember that kingship authority was created by men- 1 Samuel 8:5 “Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations” to create a corridor of politics with which to exert a centralized capital influence over others. Unfortunately for men, any life or authority devoid of divine engagement usually ends in the grasp of the opposition- the devil. This is what has resulted in global politics today as one of the biggest contributors to ungodliness and human injustices. Now, this is what we seek to contend with when we bear the gospel light. We fail when we carry out this assigned responsibility without a conscious effort to carry the enabling power of the Holy Spirit- Jeremiah 12:5 If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

It was physically impossible for Elijah to outrun a horse, far less a chariot powered by at least two horses. He had an extraordinary experience that propelled his flight to catch up and outrun this human set-up. The same extraordinary power and experiences are available to every believer who would seek to wait in the place of prayer and receive divine instructions for the journey of faith- 1 Kings 18:42 “And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees”. God calls us to seriousness and earnest intensity in prayer and devotion to overrule the policies and evil governance already established in our society by the devil and to thwart the progressive decadence of our world. Will you answer God’s call?

1 A call for loyal soldiers
Comes to one and all;
Soldiers for the conflict,
Will you heed the call?
Will you answer quickly?
With a ready cheer?
Will you be enlisted
As a volunteer?

A volunteer for Jesus,
A soldier true!
Others have enlisted,
Why not you?
Jesus is the Captain,
We will never fear;
Will you be enlisted
As a volunteer?

2 Yes, Jesus calls for soldiers,
Who are filled with pow’r,
Soldiers who will serve Him
Ev’ry day and hour;
He will not forsake you,
He is ever near;
Will you be enlisted
As a volunteer? [Refrain]

3 He calls you, for He loves you
With a heart most kind.
He whose heart was broken,
Broken for mankind;
Now, just now He calls you,
Calls in accents clear,
Will you be enlisted
As a volunteer? [Refrain]

4 And when the war is over,
And the vict’ry won,
When the true and faithful
Gather one by one,
He will crown with glory
All who there appear;
Will you be enlisted
As a volunteer? [Refrain]

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