The Falling Away

The Falling Away

“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax-cold”. Matt. 24:12

In Christ’s prophecies of the signs of the last age, the Master gave this as one of the major signs of his arrival, but that this will happen is not the biggest head-ache, the greatest pain is this happening within our very circle. I use to have a friend whose prayer life and hunger for the Master is so challenging and attracting. He would groan in prayers and pray with sweats so much you ask yourself if really you are praying. 

Years down the line, I needed to travel to another state on an invitation, I chose to stay with this old friend to enjoy such deep prayers we used to have together. Unfortunately, I was heartbroken to see that my dear friend has been overtaken by other ‘important’ things that have taken away his altar- his job, relationship, and related inexcusable vanities, I struggle to understand until I remember the word of the Master- “the love of many shall wax-cold”.

Those who used to spend hours on their altars with tears and passion in prayers have not only lost touch of prayers but have also been overtaken by their old life, the Devil is on the greatest offensive in history, iniquity in our days have never been heightened, with the tide of LGBTQ agenda, worldliness of the ‘church’, unspeakable moral decadence and eroded values, inexplicable and unalterable pervasions and sins, wantonness and new world order, man becoming a dog and confessing that has been his life-long pursuit, aged men defiling toddlers and human grounding human in mortals for fame. Indeed, there is now no evil man can imagine that is not available in our day, the attendant effect is a sharp and keen temptation to Christians that has caused the love of many waxing cold and a great falling away!

We are in the days of unprecedented evil; we must become more fierce and more intentional in the matter of our faith. Love towards God is becoming shallow and cold, many who once were God seekers are now pleasure seekers. 

If ever there will be a time that the Christians must be extra-vigilant and alive to their spiritual warfare, prayer life and unbroken fellowship with Jesus, it is in our day, the time is short, O Christian beware for there is a falling away!

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