Set the Lord before thee

Set the Lord before thee

TEXT: PSALM 16:8 – 11

KEY TEXT: “I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” (PSALM 16:8, KJV)

Having God before us is to have an assurance of secured safety and serenity of life. By making God be at our right hand, we have a confidence that nothing can move nor terrify us. The fear of darkness nor pestilence shall not shake us, for the Lord who is before us will surely be our cover.

All those who make divine nearness their desire will certainly have gladness of heart, and a rejoicing glory. In this present world, the eternal hope shall be the rest of their flesh, and when their body fails and their eyes are closed in death, their soul shall never be left in hell, and neither will the Holy One who has called them from darkness into the marvellous light suffer them to see corruption.

As they journey onward in faith, having Christ, the mighty captain leading before them, they shall be under the guidance of the heavenly host, and revelation to the right path shall they never lack for God who they put before them shall show them the path of life, and the pleasure of life shall be their portion forever.

Beloved, seeing all these things which the Lord has prepared for all those who would put Him before first, let us make our desire to also do that. To make nearness to God our priority. Let us see to it that before us is no idol nor image but Christ Jesus.

REFLECTION FOR THE DAY: The nearer to Christ, the nearer to His blessings.

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