Running to you.

Running to you.

Psalms 42:1-2 ​ As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?

The hart (deer) is an interesting animal and the Psalmist expresses his keen notice of this animal’s desire for water. Observants have said the deer spends most of its days in vigilant flight away from predators with its muscle-strong limbs. However, it does not sweat just like most fur-covered mammals for temperature cooling, and therefore pants as a substitute for the cooling process. This makes the deer deadly thirsty after these exercises and accentuates the need to quickly and hurriedly reach a water source to quench its thirst and cool its body. This is quite applicable to us as believers today. As we hustle and spend an enormous amount of strength to labor, we must identify the Source of our replenishment and comfort from the death-ridden rigors of this life. This Source is found in the secret place of consistent fellowship and devotion to God rather than mere religious attendance. Many of our religious displays are more learned behaviors than definite experiences by the touch of the holy Spirit. These behavioral attitudes are not sustainable because when the crucibles fall, the true state of every matter is revealed.

Furthermore, the existence of the deer is largely dependent on water bodies and they tend to migrate towards areas with large bodies of water as a form of provision for survival. This shows us that we must never be far from God’s gracious presence. We must always stay enthused towards seeking His presence and staying in the place of prayer and devotion.

Finally, panting as exemplified here by the deer is not a learned ability, rather, it’s an innate desire for it to sustain its existence. The absence of that sensation leads to fatigue, slowness, and eventual capture by its predators. The trueness of devotion to God is exhibited by our intense desire for His presence and fullness and He is the only satisfying Source available to every believer. Our Spirit man suffers and becomes inactive by our weakened and sluggish desire for fellowship with God.

Running to you (shortened) by Todd Dulaney

It may not be easy

But Lord I keep running to you

Sometimes I get weary

But I know that You’re pulling me through

When I think that it’s ending

My heart will depend on the truth, yes

I’m working hard to follow You

I’ll keep running, I’ll keep running to You

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