Modern Christianity

Modern Christianity

“…there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring damnable heresies, even denying the Lord…” II Peter 2:1

The world has witnessed in the prime of 20th century civilization, the strange wave of ‘20th century religion’, which has advocated that civilization has outgrown the bible, calling many , miracles myths, and some, allegories, and the height of their intellectualism has made them surmise that, there is probably no heaven, and as such, no hell to avoid. These damnable heresies were also published abroad by those who call Jesus their ‘Lord’.

The 21st century though worse, yet more subtle in its approach, the so called faith today on many occasion has not denounced publicly the sovereignty of God, and the Lordship of Christ Jesus, but has diluted the gospel of our Lord so much that the mixture of some truth in its heresies has not only made it patronized by many, but has made it looked true, such that even the elect might be drawn by its deception.

Many believers today are no longer gripped at heart by the simple gospel of salvation, holiness and a genuine walk with the Lord, when these are preached, rather, they seek a place with deeper revelation and ‘rhema’, a place where ‘mysteries’ are being published, where power and miracle are displayed, a place where the ministers are popular and trending, where grace is always preached to cover even the secret and un-repenting sins, a place where the wicked is told, ‘it shall be well with him’, and the sinners is assured of the enduring mercy and love of God, a place where all is well and there is ease in Zion!

This is the greatest trouble of the modern Christianity, for it did not come with seeming evil, but has achieved by deception by using the very word of God to deceive people by turning the truth upside-down, such that a sinner is comforted and sees no need to repent, this indeed is one of the biggest achievement of the Grand-Foe in our days.

But when ye see these, O believer, know surely that the day of His coming is near, the troubles that have come upon the world, the height of hypocrisy in faith, the rush of modern Christianity are all pointing to the soon-appearing Saviour!


It could happen in a moment, In the twinkling of an eye,
It could happen in a moment, He could break the Eastern sky,
Tho our hearts will feel unworthy, yet how happy we will be
When the Savior comes from heaven, When His blessed face we see.
I am list’ning ev’ry moment for the mighty trumpet sound,
What a time we’ll have together when the saints shall leave the ground.
All our toiling will be over, all our sorrow and its pain,
It could happen in a moment, Jesus Christ could come again.
It could happen in a moment, any minute of the day,
He could call us home to heaven, there forevermore to stay,
“Hold the fort” a little longer in your struggle over sin,
Trust the great Commander’s promise: He will surely come again.
I am list’ning ev’ry moment for the mighty trumpet sound,
What a time we’ll have together when the saints shall leave the ground.
All our toiling will be over, all our sorrow and its pain,
It could happen in a moment, Jesus Christ could come again.

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