Living A Life Of Extraordinary Achievements

Living A Life Of Extraordinary Achievements

2 Samuel 22:30; Psalm 18:29.

The possibilities and achievements in the kingdom are divinely enabled, no amount of human ability or work could ever match the grace bestowed by the spirit of God. Even Christ our perfect example, during His earthly ministry confessed that “I can of mine own self do nothing”- John 5:30.

The text above was written by David while he was reflecting on the numerous battles he had fought and won. Even before the time when he was anointed as king, he had been fighting battles, first against animals who wanted to kill the sheep in his custody, then from the jealousy of his brothers, then the hatred of King Saul, the fearful look of Goliath, the innumerable ranks of the Philistine army, the invasion of the Amalekites, etc. In every one of these battles, he won the victory, chiefly by the enablement of God. We cannot have sustained victory over the battles of life by our own human intelligence and strength without the help of the Lord.

The scripture is replete with numerous examples of achievers/overcomers with Christ as the chief overcomer. The major occupation of their lives that made them extraordinary in their generation was their spiritual life. They had an unbroken, unhinged personal fellowship and devotion to God. They wholly depended on and trusted in God and lived within the confines of grace—no wonder their physical outlook manifested with so many extraordinary achievements for the kingdom and their generation. Men like Joseph, David, Daniel, Elijah, Peter, Paul, etc. had so much influence which emanated from their profound personal consecration and secret fellowship with God.

1 He who would valiant be
‘gainst all disaster,
let him in constancy
follow the Master.
There’s no discouragement
shall make him once relent
his first avowed intent
to be a pilgrim.

2 Who so beset him round
with dismal stories,
do but themselves confound—
his strength the more is.
No foes shall stay his might,
though he with giants fight;
he will make good his right
to be a pilgrim.

3 Since, Lord, Thou dost defend
us with Thy Spirit,
we know we at the end
shall life inherit.
Then, fancies, flee away!
I’ll fear not what men say,
I’ll labor night and day
to be a pilgrim.

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