Kingdom Priority Over Worldly Concern

Kingdom Priority Over Worldly Concern

Matthew 6:30-33.

The world is a temporary structure designed to transiently provide for human sustenance. We cannot dedicate all or most of our concerns to matters regarding this fickle life while leaving out the issues regarding the eternal future world. The kingdom of God presently in this human era and also in the post-human era must take the topmost priority of our thought and concern.

We are to seek the kingdom of God:

-First in the matter of our soul: Matthew 6:25; Deuteronomy 4:9. The issues regarding our soul must take prime place in our thoughts and concerns. We must take diligent heed and daily examine ourselves to see that our heart (soul and spirit) is right with God- Hebrew 3:12.

-First in the work of evangelism: John 9:4, 5. Unparalleled commitment to the preaching of the gospel is an important element of seeking the kingdom of God. The way to expand God’s kingdom on earth is by bringing in more souls and ensuring they are rooted in Christ.

-First in our will: Luke 22:42. The will and purpose of God must be enmeshed into every aspect of our living for us to please God. God’s will must be the basis on which all other things stand. We must earnestly seek to know His will through His word and in prayers and obediently follow whatever is revealed to us.

-First in our giving: 2 Corinthians 9:6, 7. God requires us to give sacrificially, cheerfully, and holiness toward His work and also to the needy. Any service of giving must not have an undertone of receiving rewards or applause, although the faithful Lord will reward every giving done in accordance with His will- Matthew 6:1.

-First in our service to humanity: Colossians 3:22-24. The way and manner of our work in our secular engagement must portend honesty, integrity, and godly fear. We serve men as it were “unto the Lord”.

-First in our prayer: Matthew 6:9, 10. Our prayers must be centered on actualizing the kingdom of God upon the earth. God’s will and purpose for the world must be our topmost longing in the place of prayer- Daniel 9:2, 3.

-First in our worship: Matthew 4:10. God must be the object of our worship and reverence. He only must be the one we ascribe all glory, honor, and power in our worship- Revelation 7:12.

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