Keeping a Clear Sight

Keeping a Clear Sight

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…” Heb 12:2

Perhaps, the most famous maritime disaster of all time was the RMS Titanic collusion with an iceberg on its maiden voyage in 1912. This tragic incident resulted in the loss of over fifteen hundred lives. The [human] cause, you may ask, is keeping an unclear sight. There were sailors whose jobs were to be in constant check of the ship path, but failed to keep a clear sight until it was too late!

If ever you’ve been on the wheel driving a vehicle, you will realize it takes only a second of unclear sight to have a terrible accident; and really, most of the accidents on our highways were caused by men who lost sight of their path.

Relatively, we can’t survive a day of an unclear sight with our Lord and Saviour. The author of Hebrew was adjuring believers to consistently- and by this, I mean all times, look unto Jesus; the word ‘look’ here is in a continuous form, which means, so long our lives on earth is trapped, we must one thing do- look to Jesus!

You can’t imagine how feeble the human nature is, how weak and empty we can be the moment we take our eyes off the Master. The faith we practice is only kept in perfect keeping if unto Jesus we behold. Looking unto Jesus is a full acknowledgment of our inability to do anything meaningful by ourselves; looking unto the Lord shows we need help for the current challenge and grace for the future trials, while each day the Lord leads His own, His own must learn to look each day for help.

David saw the need to keep a clear sight when he cried saying, “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning O Lord,… and I will look up” (Psalm 5:3). We keep a clear sight by looking unto Jesus, in constant and unbroken fellowship in the secret place; in constant communion while our duties each day we bear. We cannot be a friend of the One who do not behold; we cannot behold the Glory of a King we do not know and we cannot know Him outside of a flaming prayer life. 

O how many promising Christian lives have been messed with sin, how many young souls on the way of life have missed the track and become again slave to the sin they once renounced, how many people have again been conquered by their old-habits of immorality just because they have failed to look to Jesus who is the helper of our faith.

Is your vision becoming blurry, and your sight unclear? A single mistake can cost your faith on the pilgrim highway, go back to the altar, clear the lens of your sight and make it perfectly clean in the Master’s blood. Stay until thy sight of Him be clear again.

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