Father’s Wise Bestowment

Father’s Wise Bestowment

“…Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?” Psalms 78:19

Our father’s love is beyond what mortal tongue can explain, just like how earthly fathers would always strive to give the best to their children, we must understand, defying pressing reasons to doubt his love, that our heavenly father loves us so dearly, far more than mortal mind can comprehend.

His greatest bestowment was the gift of his choicest treasure, His own begotten Son, shall then, He who has given us His son, as redemption for our soul, denies us of the promises made in His word? Many a time, we are posed with situations that may make us doubt the promises of God for us, His assurance that He will never leave us, nor forsake us. Those promises are sure, and they fail not, for indeed, He will never leave His own.

Other times, the Devil may blind the eyes of a saint, making him see no good the Lord has done, weary of praises to Him who dwells in praise, and cause his altar almost a like grave where no sound of prayer is uttered, but a heart full of a thousand thoughts of questions and doubts if God is still the same today, other time, the Devil makes a saint believe he is forsaken, and hopeless. Lies, from the pit of hell, for our Father never forsakes His own!

The good days’ blessings are there as reminders and epochs of our father’s wise bestowment, for it is in those days, we will see the sun shine as answers to our prayers and the world smile on us; yet, the tough days trials are there to build us as test that must come our path as a testament of growth in our journey. If all we seek is a shiny day without cloud that pours rain, it won’t be long for drought to visit accompanied by famine. It is in our father’s bestowment that we have the shining sun, and the cloudy sky for rain!

The Israelites had their shiny sun [even] in Egypt during the ten plagues, they enjoyed safety while their enemies perished, they spoiled their enemies as they leave the land of slavery, they walked on dry land amidst the great sea, they saw the red sea close up upon their enemies in defeat, they saw water gush out from a dry Rock, and in the slightest cloud of challenge, they groused and asked if God can furnish a table in the wilderness! They have forgotten that to walk amidst a mighty sea while waters stand as hill by both sides is a greater miracle than the provision of food, but no, they forgot.

We must not be unaware of our father’s wise bestowment, of the tough days’ trials, which will come our way, or to hurry out of it as bastards who cannot take the pruning of his father. Rather, like Job, we must set our face as flint, and say, though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him!


1 I trust in God wherever I may be,
Upon the land or on the rolling sea;
For come what may, from day to day,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.

I trust in God, I know he cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Though billows roll, he keeps my soul,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.

2 He makes the rose an object of his care,
He guides the eagle through the pathless air;
And surely he remembers me,
My heav’nly Father watches over me. [Refrain]

3 I trust in God, for, in the lion’s den,
On battlefield, or in the prison pen;
Through praise or blame, through flood or flame,
My heav’nly Father watches over me. [Refrain]

4 The valley may be dark, the shadows deep,
But oh, the shepherd guards his lonely sheep;
And through the gloom, he’ll lead me home,
My heav’nly Father watches over me. [Refrain]

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