Continuing Steadfastly

Today we shall be gleaning together. I am sure the testimonies of brethren will help sharpen our continuing steadfastly in Jesus’ name. 

[KJV] – John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

From the Bible study during the Solemn Assembly, It was established that we don’t need to feel inadequate before seeking Him as a child of God must always feel inadequate before Him. So it means that we never get to the point when we have prayed enough or studied the word enough or served enough. We are never enough unless He comes. We are never enough until we are perfect just as he is.

[KJV] – Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

It is continuous hunger that brings about continual filling. Let me tell us one Truth: It is easy to be enough with church or denominational requirements. With religious requirements and even moral requirements but we can never be enough of God because God can never be exhausted in a man. So when this feeling of I am enough comes just know that the devil is at it again.

Even in situations when you have prayed for a particular thing for example and the thing doesn’t seem to have an answer, there can never be “I have prayed enough”, conversely, even if the answer has come. Prayer can never be enough because that answer is not the reason we are to pray. We pray because God commands it. He knows that we will faint; lose focus; lose grip on heaven’s reality, etc if we stop to pray.

[KJV] – Luke 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

Our continuing steadfastness is more to our benefit than God’s. God already has a purpose and a plan to achieve His purpose. So we must live earnestly and soberly to be able to go along with his purpose and plan so that our will is lost in His and then we enter rest with him also. If we understand how much it benefits us, we will but continue steadfastly. 

See, God does not love us less than we love ourselves. As a matter of fact, we cannot love ourselves the way God loves us. Who among you will willingly allow the doctor to cut off one of his/her legs for the purpose of medication? Most times when people hear of amputation, they cry and weep even though it will benefit their entire health but Jesus gave His whole life for a rotten world like ours. How can he not care for us more than we do ourselves? So let’s not allow the cares of the world or care for ourselves to deprive is from continuing; Money to save, money to spend, house rent, money for a generator, extra cash for fuel…Na like this I go take build my house e.t.c.

[KJV] – Matthew 6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

We cannot become all God has for us by just an encounter; rather our continuing with Him is what solidifies our walk with Him.


Prior to the Solemn Assembly, I usually wake up between 1:30 am – 2:30 am almost every night. Guess what I will be complaining that I don’t find sleep after then and then I don’t want to pray because I feel I should be sleeping and that sleep is good for my health. But after this Solemn Assembly, I realized it was easy for me to pray at that time. So when I find myself up I just see myself singing a song. Glory to God! Such a great testimony, actually anytime we could not find sleep is an opportunity to pray, glory to God you find that sir.

Alright, another thing I would want to talk about it., Can I call it “stone heart” maybe after I have explained you will find the right expression for it? Someone has had encounters before. I mean great encounters but lost touch with those encounters probably because of situations, sin, etc When crying for an encounter again and it seems the person is not getting it as it was in the past. Somehow this person is sinking into…I don tire sef“. What will be our advice?

To me continuing from the Last Solemn Assembly means, irrespective of my spiritual state, even when I just finished praying and I am high in my own view, I should find a way to continue. Therefore, in all I do I find a way to continue, listening to sermons, studying, and praying. I do not have to wait until I am feeling inadequate before seeking for God. Yes. God is more than what you want to feel. The answer is to CONTINUE STEADFASTLY. Be found around people who can build your faith. Attend meetings that are focused on the truth and the power of God’s word. Find time to personal retreat with God. He will show you the areas you need to improve and even can help you locate the point where you left him. God, like the father of the “prodigal son,” will never leave us nor will he get weary of waiting to receive and restore. But it is our duty to come back home. 

Also, we have to sever ourselves from the world and its system, or else their weight is sufficient to pull a man from continuing.

[KJV] – Luke 2:46 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.

This was after the parent of Jesus left Him. It took them days of journeying and searching before they finally found him where they left him

We must understand our weight, those things that sap our energy, they are not sinful several times but they take our energy, football, games, parties, social media, and every man with his weight. Once they take hold of a man they hardly leave such a man and with that, a man may not continue.

Almost everything competes with a man as important until the man has an alarm on his ear at the end of life and cannot hear, it is then that man knows that it is only one thing that is important to continue in and that is to LAY HOLD ON ETERNAL LIFE. May it not be too late for us to realize that in Jesus’ name.

Jesus was asked to be king, and many wanted him in government but he continued in the pursuit of the purpose of God for his life. Today you cannot be everything but you must be what God planned for you and that is to continue with Him.


Is it out of place to talk to a brother/ sister when you feel you need help spiritually?

The Bible says the Apostles continued in Fellowship, when we talk about the fellowship is not necessarily a Church, but a relationship that can always fire you up once you are in the ‘ship’ with the person. Always surround yourself with brethren with burning hearts and be ready to seek for fellowship and help when you feel down.

[KJV] – Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

One thing I have come to discover is that there is no issue that the word of God cannot handle. Ones you open your heart for God to touch He will definitely touch and take care of those heavy loads but if you feel moved to discuss with a genuine brother or sister then go ahead. That’s what fellowship is for.

Father, we thank you for today’s open mic. Thank you for the fresh word you bring our way each time we converge here. Be thou exalted in Jesus’ name. We pray Lord that your word will find expression in our hearts and we’ll live by it because in so doing we bring honor to your name.

Help us Lord to continue steadfastly with you. The grace and the strength we needed on this journey! Please make it available to us. For we pray in Jesus’ name.


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