Rooting Downward

Rooting Downward

Rooting Downward And the remnant… shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. (Isaiah 37:31) The Lord must have something which cannot be carried away, which cannot be removed, cannot be shaken, and certainly, something which cannot be rooted up. That is His remnant. That, He must have for His own glory, and, that…

Miracle is not Magic

Miracle is not Magic

In the encounter of Moses with the magicians in Egypt, recorded in Exo. 7: 22, “But the Egyptian magicians did the same things by their secret arts.” From this scripture both Moses and the Magicians turned the rod into a serpent but while one was a miracle, the other was magic. Therefore miracle is not…

Counting The Cost

Counting The Cost

“And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.”(Luke 14:27) The Lord, in the anchor scripture, gave an analogy of a man intending to build a house without counting the cost, the result would be ridiculed upon such man; or who travels a hundred miles with a litre of…