Counting and Weighing

Counting and Weighing

There are several instances in Scripture when people make the wrong calculations or use the wrong measures. Samuel is in danger of doing so when he looks at David’s older brother, Eliab while searching for the Lord’s anointed. He looks at his appearance and his stature and is tempted to conclude that he has found…

What Stops a Man from Continuing with God – Part 1

What Stops a Man from Continuing with God – Part 1

The fact that you stopped means there are forces against your continuation with God, just the same way that without any challenge there is a frictional force that prevents an object from continuously moving in a particular direction. In the same way, there are forces both internal and external that prevent a man from continuing,…

Jonathan Edward

Jonathan Edward

Jonathan was born on 5 October 1703, the one son among the 11 children who made up the family of Timothy Edwards, minister of East Windsor in the New England state of Connecticut. Jonathan grew up in an atmosphere of religious awakening; in later life he would note that there were at least four outpourings…