Jesus – The Greatest Friend – Children’s Devotional

Jesus – The Greatest Friend – Children’s Devotional

WEEK’S TOPIC: JESUS THE GREATEST FRIEND WEEK’S MV:  Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John15:13 Jesus – The Greatest Friend                          TEXT: Romans 5:7 -8                                                                                                                                                                                               In today’s text, the bible teaches us that it’s hard to die in another person’s place. We are…

You Need Some Tears

You Need Some Tears

You Need Some Tears All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2Tim 3: 16) From this scripture, we are admonished that the word of God is not just for promises alone but also a great tool for correction and reproof which…

Zacchaeus Returned What He Took Wrongfully

Zacchaeus Returned What He Took Wrongfully

ZACCHAEUS RETURNED WHAT HE TOOK WRONGFULLY        TEXT:  Luke 19:1-10, 8-9.                                 Zacchaeus also told Jesus that he was ready to return whatever he took from people wrongfully in four portions. He showed he was sorry for what he did and was willing to return what he took wrongly. People who truly repent will be ready…

Zacchaeus Uncovered His Sin

Zacchaeus Uncovered His Sin

ZACCHAEUS UNCOVERED HIS SIN                      TEXT: Prov. 28:13, Luke 19:1-10, 8-9 When Jesus got to Zacchaeus’ house, He didn’t force Zacchaeus to confess his sins. Zacchaeus stood up before Jesus and everyone else to uncover his sin willingly, admitting that he had cheated people. He was truthful and did not hide his sins from Jesus. Proverbs…

Zaccheus Left The Crowd

Zaccheus Left The Crowd

ZACCHAEUS LEFT THE CROWD                       TEXT: 2 Cor6:17, Luke 19:1-10, 4-5 Zacchaeus left the crowd because he knew the crowd would hide him and cover his view of Jesus. He didn’t want to remain where anything or anyone would stop him from seeing Jesus.  Jesus stopped by and spoke to him because he separated himself….

Zaccheus Acted Quickly

Zaccheus Acted Quickly

ZACCHEUS ACTED QUICKLY                             TEXT: Luke 19:1-10, vs3-4, 2 Cor.6:2b Zacchaeus didn’t waste the opportunity. He didn’t say maybe Jesus will come by again next month or next year; I will see Him when He comes again at that time. He didn’t postpone his day of salvation, rather he acted quickly, running as fast as…