Provisions of spiritual blessings through grace (Grace series 3)

Provisions of spiritual blessings through grace (Grace series 3)

Provisions of spiritual blessings through grace (Grace series 3) 1 Corinthians 1:4-7. Continued from yesterday. Click series here to read series 1 and here to read series 2 We have come to the understanding that grace is the avenue of divine provision for every man. God has made it readily available, without measure, and indiscriminately…

The indispensability of God’s grace (Grace series 2)

The indispensability of God’s grace (Grace series 2)

The indispensability of God’s grace (Grace series 2) 1 Corinthians 15:10; Hebrew 4:14-16. Continued from yesterday. Click here to read series 1 God’s grace is the ultimate resultant outcome of Christ’s sacrificial death- John 11:50-52. His death ushered in a new dispensation and opened a wide door of God’s enabling grace through the Holy Spirit….

A new dispensation of grace (Grace series 1)

A new dispensation of grace (Grace series 1)

A new dispensation of grace (Grace series 1) Ephesians 1:4-7. A new dispensation usually signifies that a previous archaic way or practice has been re-evaluated and re-engineered towards a better, efficient yield rather than a complete obliteration. This is expressed in the translation of believers in God from the old dispensation of the law into…

Guarding against religious adulteration.

Guarding against religious adulteration.

Guarding against religious adulteration. Mt 16:6,11,12. An adulteration does not necessarily mean or translate to a complete opposite of the original. A minute or an “insignificant” deviation from the laid-out pattern is enough to adulterate or corrupt any pure compound and in our context, our religion. Two texts from the scriptures give a very clear…